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What to do if you have a homeowners insurance claim?

1. File a police report if needed If a crime (theft or vandalism) is involved, file a police report before making any other calls. Make sure to write down the names of anyone you speak with or who come to inspect your property. 2. Call, file a claim online or through the insurance companies app to get the claims process started. Most homeowners policies require that the insurance company be notified promptly after any damage, theft, or injury that's likely to result in a claim. While that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to call immediately, the sooner you do, the sooner the recovery process can begin. Reporting requirements may vary by insurance company and circumstance, but your policy is where to start. Your agent can help here. 3. The next step is to make any reasonable emergency repairs needed that can prevent further damage. Most homeowners insurance policies state this, and some require it. Make sure to keep copies of any receipts for reimbursement and take detailed photos of the damage before doing any work. (Examples such as turning off the water if a pipe has burst, if the house was broken into and the door is broken, getting it secured even temporarily, etc) If there is a circumstance where you were not able to do this for some reason contact the insurance company and let them know that at the time of filing the claim. They will help you figure out the next step. 4. Document the damage, stolen items, and anything else that will form the basis of the claim. Take lots of photos or a video detailing the damage, going room to room if necessary. This is especially important if immediate repairs are necessary to make the structure safe and habitable. Compile a list of damaged, stolen, or destroyed possessions, along with their approximate value. This goes a lot faster if you've made a detailed home inventory of your possessions ahead of time. The insurance company will schedule an appointment for an appraiser to interview you and assess the damage to determine how much compensation you can expect. Make sure to accompany the appraiser during the inspection and point out any structural damage or areas that are affected. If you need assistance during the claims process your claims adjuster easier first point of contact but if you need assistance beyond that you should definitely contact your agent. They are there to help you as well. #insuranceclaim #wind #hail #fire #claim #weather #home #homesweethome #insurance

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